Tuesday, June 13, 2017

"Locker Room Talk" Alexis Jones

Extended Comments

In this Ted Talk Alexis Jones discusses the importance of respecting women through her advocacy and efforts of talking to young male athletes about locker room talk and their mindset of women.  For this blog post I will be using Bristol's post, discussing some of her main points.  Bristol points out that Alexis argues that boys at a young age are mainly influenced from media sources in their perception of women and the way they see and treat women are influenced by this.  I completely agree with Alexis and Bristol; one of the issues with our quick access to media is that we do not even realize how influential it is.  Also from Bristol's post when Alexis told the story of the guy that said it was cool to have sex with girls and he didn't even know where that came from I was very surprised.  It's interesting to hear directly that this young man had this opinion but no reason as to why he thought this way.

Another important issue that Bristol mentioned was that we need to go further to teach boys and men why rape is wrong; the first step is putting restrictions in place and talking about the issue at hand, but how do we teach young men that rape is wrong.  Alexis also mentioned consent.  We need to teach young men about consent and that making sure that who ever you are having sex with is okay with it too and not just assuming.  It's just one quick question to ask and this should be taught to everyone.

My question is: How can schools integrate consent, rape, and locker room talk into their curriculum.  Teachers, parents and students need to understand that these issues must be discussed at a younger age in order to prevent sexual assault and rape from occurring even more.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing my post, Lexi! You make some great points, and I agree with you that people need to be reached at a younger age in order to accurately understand consent.
