Susan J Douglas, the author of "Enlightened Sexism" argues that even though much progress has been made in the equality of men and women there is still much work to be done in how the media represents young girls and women. Douglas defined enlightened sexism as a response to the possible threat of a new gender regime. Now that equality has been fully achieved its okay to resurrect sexist stereotypes of girls and women. Within the media there is still the objectification of girls and women, there is still anxiety of females in power and the punishment of female sexuality. There are so many cases of women being sexually assaulted that turn the women into the reason for being assaulted; and we wonder why this is happening. Media is such a big part of our life and its almost impossible to see the line of where it enters our lives to when it becomes controlling. Douglas continues to discuss how media influences the population. Many shows specifically on MTV (reality love shows) focuses less on the finding love aspect but on the competition between young women, emphasizing on verbal and physical fights, berating other women, and competing for the man. These shows are the complete opposite of what young girls should be watching. On the other hand, sheltering children from media is impossible because its everywhere. Some examples of these shows that Douglas mentioned (to give a mental image) Next, The Flavor of Love, America's Next Top Model, The Hills. Douglas's main point in the reading is we have come far in equality but media misrepresented women in a variety of ways. Either tv shows and movies show women in positions of power, making the same as men and having a family or sexualizing women deeming them materialistic; both misrepresentations.
Peggy Orenstein, the author of "Cinderella Ate my Daughter" argues the mass production of materialistic things such as Disney Princesses, Barbie Dolls, American Girl Dolls, ect has influenced young girls to become obsessed with these products. First of all, lets not blame the parents of the children who "need" these products. The whole point of a company to be successful is to market and sell in the most effective way. Companies take their product and manipulate it in any way possible to make more money. Cinderella dresses, cups, tiaras, dolls and shows. Disney on Ice is a huge seller and when children see this, they must have it. One of the main points that Orenstein presents is the idea of "want" and "coercion". There really is no evidence that shows this obsession with princesses leads to low self-esteem but there is evidence that shows the more media consumed there is more importance on being pretty and sexy. This also presents the idea from Orenstein of "have it all but be it all". Orenstein also explains the rise in number of girls concerned with looks and weight and reports of stress levels and rates of depression and suicide.
From these two readings I asked myself:
From thinking about tv shows and movies, are we still heading in a progressive path, away from shows like "The Bachelor". Are we watching these shows because we think they are funny because people actually act this way or are we using these shows as a base for our lives?
ReplyDeleteGreat Post! Media portrays women in various of ways. Women are being sexually assaulted and if affects them as well. I agree when you said that young women are emphasizing on the verbal aspects of the media. One of the shows that reminds me of this is also Love & Hip Hop.
Great post, Lexi! Love how many points you touched upon. Check out my blog to see the extended comments I made about your post.
ReplyDeleteI also did my blog post on my blog... I tried to make it different from everyone else's. You can go check it out if you would like to. I agreed with what you said and I when I on that fact it connect to the 5 discourses, with what we have them too and my connection that I made.
ReplyDeleteFrom Emily Twitchell
I really like your post lexi! you touched on some very important key points! I think we watch these shows for entertainment, but it depends on the ways people consume media. Everyone watches media (kids,teens,adults), and we all see the messages very differently, but parents not informing children about the gender difference in toys for example, only intensifies when they base their abilities on the media culture that objectifies them in the first place.